Thursday, January 13, 2011

Night Three--Tonight's the Night

I kept thinking I was too good to be true. It was. Tonight was the night that Genevieve let it be known that she was comfortable in the house, not the crate. She also likes thegirl sleeping in teh floor next toher. I'm typing this with my eyes closed and myfingers going pretty much on their own because I'm sleep deprived this morning. I'm thinking that whenever she goes down for a nap today, I'm going to take her for a nice long walk.

She was sound asleep when we were ready for bed. I picked up her sleepy little body and put her in her crate at 9:30. She cried for 15 minutes. At 10:17, she howled. I put her outside and she peed. I put her back in the crate and she howled for 20 minutes. At 12:23, she howled. I put her outside and she immediately wanted back in with no peeing. I put her back in the crate and she howled for 30 minutes, at which point my daughter started crying and eventually got in the floor to sleep again. That did stop the howling. At 3:07, she howled. I put her outside and she dashed for what I am beginning to think of as her poop tree. She pooped. I put her back in her crate and she howled for 20 minutes. At 5:00, she howled. I put her outside and she wanted back in immediately. I waited a bit and then let her back in. She ran down the hall before I could catch her and I think she may have peed in the girl's room.

She broke for her food dish and ate like she hadn't ever eaten. Now she's up and playing with her toys and anything that she can find. She's on a popcorn quest at the moment, finding squashed pieces of popcorn everywhere and licking all the butter off. My house is only this popcorn free the day after the housecleaner comes.

What's the greatest irony in all of this? We have to go back to school today. On the night that she's the worst so far, I have to teach. Joy.

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