Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day Two--Only a Little Sleep-Deprived

Genevieve is keeping my daddy's schedule, at least as far as the mornings go. After we went to bed, I didn't hear another peep out of that puppy until 5:30 this morning. Nice, huh? She went 8:30-5:30 without a peep, though judging from the puppy pad this morning, there was a little pee, which is okay. That's why we bought the pads.

I got up when I heard her whine this morning and learned a lesson. I let her out of her crate and then went to put on my boots and coat to take her walking. She sprinted to the door, but when I paused to don the cold weather gear, she ran under the table to let loose the pee. First puddle clean up.

I didn't what the articles told me to do and said no firmly, then put her outside. Then I finished dressing. Lesson learned. Toss her out, then suit up.

She was wide awake and raring to go. She danced around the yard, attacking the piles of fresh snow and snapping at it. She prance back over and run between my feet, then head off in another direction like a pint-sized snow plow. After a couple of minutes of snow play, she made a big steamy pile and then went right back to dancing.

Since the temp was in the teens, if that, I started walking a circle around the lighted part of the yard. Bors joined me in my paces, but he really doesn't like the puppy. I wonder if he'll warm up to her at all as time passes. Maybe when she calms down?

At ten laps, I couldn't feel my toes even through my boots, so we came back inside. Genevieve wanted to play. Play is not my thing and I couldn't figure out how to entertain her. We finally ended up playing tug-of-war with her pink plush toy in the floor. That seemed to make her happy, but when she bored of that game, I was clueless. I gave her an ice cube to chase and hoped for the best.

Eventually, she curled up on my feet for a little cat nap, but got up about the time I decided to try to sleep a little myself. I think she likes the noise of the TV because as soon as I turned it off, she popped up like a shot. I'm seeing another parallel to my daddy here. She whined a little, so I made another seven laps outside while she pooped and played some more. This time Percy came with us and the two labs are so similar in their delight in the snow. Genevieve made several overtures towards Percy and he seemed amiable but unsure. He loves to roll over on his back and wallow in the snow. Each time he would do it, she would run up and debate touching him. Once she barked and my old deaf dog heard her and leaped almost straight up. I haven't seen him move like that in a couple of years!

We came back inside and she was calmer. When I got up to go to the bathroom, she sprinted, toenails clacking, down the hall. As I returned to the living room, the boy came trudging in wrapped up in his bed spread.

"She woke me up by licking me," he said.

"How is that possible?" I asked, since his bed is higher than my waist. "Was your arm hanging off?"

Apparently he was sleeping with an arm and a leg off the side of the bed and Genevieve took perfect advantage. What made no sense to me was why she went for his one little arm when the girl was laying in the floor of the room completely open to attack.

At 7:00, I led her into the room to wake the girl up, which was adorable to watch. She first walked on the girl's butt, but the girl didn't even move. Eventually, she realized that only the face was exposed and went for it. An arm emerged and wrapped around the puppy for a hug before I even saw an eye crack open. The girl bounced out of floor and started talking about her wonderful puppy before she started moving.

When the puppy wanted to go outside, I had to take her because the girl couldn't get her britches on fast enough. I created a path all around the back field. It's been a long time since I saw anything as beautiful as those pine trees with their burden of fresh snow in the early morning sunrise. I may have been freezing and really sleepy, but the puppy is already worth more than just cuteness. Maybe I was thinking well when I decided to do this.

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